Gabriela Perez Quesada
Specialization: Environmental and resource economics, production economics and applied econometrics.
My research focuses on the interactions between agricultural production, natural resources, and the environment. I am particularly interested in better understanding how water scarcity and climate change impact agricultural production, and how economic agents and institutions of the agricultural sector adapt to them. I am also interested in the role of policy mechanisms in agricultural producer decision making, and the implementation of behavioral interventions and collective action efforts to conserve natural resources.
2621 Morgan Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
- PhD, Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, 2022
Gabriela Perez Quesada
2621 Morgan Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
- PhD, Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, 2022
My research focuses on the interactions between agricultural production, natural resources, and the environment. I am particularly interested in better understanding how water scarcity and climate change impact agricultural production, and how economic agents and institutions of the agricultural sector adapt to them. I am also interested in the role of policy mechanisms in agricultural producer decision making, and the implementation of behavioral interventions and collective action efforts to conserve natural resources.