Patty McDaniels
Specialization: Media relations; writing; science writing
Patricia McDaniels works with UTIA faculty, staff, and students to promote the Institute's Real. Life. Solutions. through various media outlets. She helps coordinate news media coverage and writes news releases, feature articles, and other documents that support the Institute's land-grant mission. McDaniels works frequently with trade, regional, and national media as well as the with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, representatives from ag industry, and representatives of agricultural and natural resources commodity groups. She also leads efforts to measure the success of the UTIA Marketing and Communications team's media efforts by monitoring coverage.
5201 Marchant Drive
Nashville, TN 37211-0000
- BA, Writing, Univ of Tennessee Knoxville*, 1983
- Organizational Support
Patty McDaniels
5201 Marchant Drive
Nashville, TN 37211-0000
- BA, Writing, Univ of Tennessee Knoxville*, 1983
- Organizational Support
Patricia McDaniels works with UTIA faculty, staff, and students to promote the Institute's Real. Life. Solutions. through various media outlets. She helps coordinate news media coverage and writes news releases, feature articles, and other documents that support the Institute's land-grant mission. McDaniels works frequently with trade, regional, and national media as well as the with the Tennessee Department of Agriculture, representatives from ag industry, and representatives of agricultural and natural resources commodity groups. She also leads efforts to measure the success of the UTIA Marketing and Communications team's media efforts by monitoring coverage.