
Michael Mahero, DVM MS MPH PhD DACVPM

Assistant Professor | Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences Department

Specialization: Diplomate American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine


Dr. Mahero obtained his PhD at the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine, he has a Master of Science in food safety, a Master of Public Health degree, completed a residency in Public Health and Preventive Medicine from the University of Minnesota, and is certified by the American College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine. He has strong interests in the application of One Health strategies towards managing complex health problems. Previously he worked as a technical advisor on USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program, working to build capacity for the better prediction and control of emerging infectious diseases, was an Adjunct faculty of Public Health and Community Medicine and the director of the Veterinary Preventive Medicine and Public Health Residency at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. He serves on the public policy committee of the American Public Health Association’s One Health Section. 

Teaching Focus

Epidemiology, Public Health and One Health in the veterinary curriculum as well as the CEM graduate program

Outreach Focus

In his efforts to promote public and animal health Dr. Mahero works with a wide range of stakeholders at state, national and international levels working to achieve common vision and action around public and animal health emergencies.

Research Focus

Dr. Mahero’s research seeks to characterize and mitigate health risks along the human, animal and environment interface using socioecological and epidemiological methods and One Health partnership approaches.

Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
CEM 506 - One Health
3 credit hour(s)

Online course that will address the link between human, animal, and environmental health. Each online module focuses on some aspect of “One Health” and may include topics such as emergency preparedness, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance and food safety, responsible pet ownership and the human-animal bond, and the effects of climate on disease prevalence. Methods of intervention and problem solving such as research design, program evaluation, community education, and policy analysis are also incorporated.

CEM 515 - Current Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 6 credit hours

Specialized experience in comparative and experimental medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Collar, Elizabeth Marie

PUBH 593 - Directed Independent Study
1 - 3 credit hours

Individual identification and study of health/wellness or health promotio problem/issue. Specific proposal must be presented to instructor before registration.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Okafor, Chika C | Lord, Jennifer Elizabeth | Makau, Dennis

PUBH 693 - Independent Study
1 - 3 credit hours

Individual study of selected issues.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Lord, Jennifer Elizabeth | Okafor, Chika C | Makau, Dennis

VMP 876 - One Health
3 credit hour(s)

Online course addresses the link between human, animal, and environmental health. Each online module focuses on some aspect of "One Health" and may include topics such as emergency preparedness, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance and food safety, responsible pet ownership and the human-animal bond, and the effects of climate on disease prevalence. Methods of intervention and problem solving such as research design, program evaluation, community education, and policy analysis are also incorporated.

Registration Restriction(s): Veterinary Medicine Students only.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Souza, Marcy Jan

Picture of Michael Mahero, DVM MS MPH PhD DACVPM
A201 Veterinary Medical Ctr
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Education and Training
  • PhD, Veterinary Medicine (Epidemiology), Univ of Minnesota Rochester, 2021
  • MPH, Public Health Practice, University of Minnesota, 2013
  • MS, Food Safety, North Dakota State University, 2010
  • DVM, Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University - Kampala Uganda, 2005

Michael Mahero, DVM MS MPH PhD DACVPM

Assistant Professor | Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences Department
Picture of Michael Mahero, DVM MS MPH PhD DACVPM image
A201 Veterinary Medical Ctr
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Education and Training
  • PhD, Veterinary Medicine (Epidemiology), Univ of Minnesota Rochester, 2021
  • MPH, Public Health Practice, University of Minnesota, 2013
  • MS, Food Safety, North Dakota State University, 2010
  • DVM, Veterinary Medicine, Makerere University - Kampala Uganda, 2005

Dr. Mahero obtained his PhD at the University of Minnesota’s College of Veterinary Medicine, he has a Master of Science in food safety, a Master of Public Health degree, completed a residency in Public Health and Preventive Medicine from the University of Minnesota, and is certified by the American College of Veterinary Preventative Medicine. He has strong interests in the application of One Health strategies towards managing complex health problems. Previously he worked as a technical advisor on USAID’s Emerging Pandemic Threats program, working to build capacity for the better prediction and control of emerging infectious diseases, was an Adjunct faculty of Public Health and Community Medicine and the director of the Veterinary Preventive Medicine and Public Health Residency at the College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota. He serves on the public policy committee of the American Public Health Association’s One Health Section. 

Teaching Focus

Epidemiology, Public Health and One Health in the veterinary curriculum as well as the CEM graduate program

Outreach Focus

In his efforts to promote public and animal health Dr. Mahero works with a wide range of stakeholders at state, national and international levels working to achieve common vision and action around public and animal health emergencies.

Research Focus

Dr. Mahero’s research seeks to characterize and mitigate health risks along the human, animal and environment interface using socioecological and epidemiological methods and One Health partnership approaches.

Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
CEM 506 - One Health
3 credit hour(s)

Online course that will address the link between human, animal, and environmental health. Each online module focuses on some aspect of “One Health” and may include topics such as emergency preparedness, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance and food safety, responsible pet ownership and the human-animal bond, and the effects of climate on disease prevalence. Methods of intervention and problem solving such as research design, program evaluation, community education, and policy analysis are also incorporated.

CEM 515 - Current Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 6 credit hours

Specialized experience in comparative and experimental medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Collar, Elizabeth Marie

PUBH 593 - Directed Independent Study
1 - 3 credit hours

Individual identification and study of health/wellness or health promotio problem/issue. Specific proposal must be presented to instructor before registration.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Okafor, Chika C | Lord, Jennifer Elizabeth | Makau, Dennis

PUBH 693 - Independent Study
1 - 3 credit hours

Individual study of selected issues.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit or letter grade.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Lord, Jennifer Elizabeth | Okafor, Chika C | Makau, Dennis

VMP 876 - One Health
3 credit hour(s)

Online course addresses the link between human, animal, and environmental health. Each online module focuses on some aspect of "One Health" and may include topics such as emergency preparedness, zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance and food safety, responsible pet ownership and the human-animal bond, and the effects of climate on disease prevalence. Methods of intervention and problem solving such as research design, program evaluation, community education, and policy analysis are also incorporated.

Registration Restriction(s): Veterinary Medicine Students only.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Souza, Marcy Jan