Madeline Shelly
Specialization: Fundraising
Madeline specializes in major gift fundraising for the Herbert College of Agriculture. She works to connect friends and donors with the college and the programs that they wish to support with their generous gifts. She received her bachelor’s degree in political science and her master’s degree in public policy and administration from UT. She fell in love with Knoxville and decided to make it her permanent home. Madeline has deep Tennessee roots and loves that UTIA and the Herbert College of Agriculture have a positive impact on every single person in Tennessee.
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
- MPA, Public Administration, University of Tennessee, 2015
- BA, Political Science, University of Tennessee, 2013
Madeline Shelly
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996-4500
- MPA, Public Administration, University of Tennessee, 2015
- BA, Political Science, University of Tennessee, 2013
Madeline specializes in major gift fundraising for the Herbert College of Agriculture. She works to connect friends and donors with the college and the programs that they wish to support with their generous gifts. She received her bachelor’s degree in political science and her master’s degree in public policy and administration from UT. She fell in love with Knoxville and decided to make it her permanent home. Madeline has deep Tennessee roots and loves that UTIA and the Herbert College of Agriculture have a positive impact on every single person in Tennessee.