
Lauren Lawson

Admin Associate | Marketing and Communications

Lauren Lawson Tolley joined the team in April 2024 and serves as the administrative associate in the Office of Marketing and Communications at UTIA.

Prior to joining the Institute, she held a position in sales for a Fortune 500 company.

An alumna from Virginia Tech, Lauren had resided in Virginia her entire life until relocating to Knoxville in 2023. She enjoys exploring downtown, taking her two dogs on hikes, spending time with her husband and family, and playing pickleball.

Picture of Lauren Lawson
101 Morgan Hall
2621 Morgan Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Professional Certifications
  • Certified Administrative Professional, International Association of Administrative Professionals, Issued 10/25/2024
Education and Training
  • BS, Marketing/Marketing Management, General, Virginia Tech, 2020

Lauren Lawson

Admin Associate | Marketing and Communications
Picture of Lauren Lawson image
101 Morgan Hall
2621 Morgan Circle Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Professional Certifications
  • Certified Administrative Professional, International Association of Administrative Professionals, Issued 10/25/2024
Education and Training
  • BS, Marketing/Marketing Management, General, Virginia Tech, 2020

Lauren Lawson Tolley joined the team in April 2024 and serves as the administrative associate in the Office of Marketing and Communications at UTIA.

Prior to joining the Institute, she held a position in sales for a Fortune 500 company.

An alumna from Virginia Tech, Lauren had resided in Virginia her entire life until relocating to Knoxville in 2023. She enjoys exploring downtown, taking her two dogs on hikes, spending time with her husband and family, and playing pickleball.