
Jim Schumacher, DVM, MS, DACVS

FR-Professor Emeritus | Large Animal

James Schumacher, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Dr. Schumacher holds a B.S.(Kansas State University), DVM (Kansas State University), MS (Texas A&M University) and PhD (Texas A&M University). Dr. Schumacher is also a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS). He has special interests in respiratory surgery, reproductive surgery, lameness, and minimally invasive surgery of horses. His clinical focus is soft-tissue surgery and his research interests include lameness, wound therapy, and stem cell therapy. Dr. Schumacher�s teaching focus include orthopaedics, respiratory disease, and dentistry. Dr. Schumacher provides CE seminars on interest topics including reproductive surgery, regional and joint analgesia, reproductive surgery (male and female), respiratory surgery, and surgery of the head (sinuses, dentistry, guttural pouch).

Research Focus

Skin grafting, reproductive surgery, and respiratory surgery

Outreach Focus

American Veterinary Medical Association;American Association of Equine Practitioners;American Association of Veterinary Clinicians;American College of Veterinary Surgeons;British Equine Veterinary Association;Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons;...

Picture of Jim Schumacher, DVM, MS, DACVS

Education and Training
  • Doctorate, Veterinary Medicine, Kansas St Univ Manhattan, 1973

Jim Schumacher, DVM, MS, DACVS

FR-Professor Emeritus | Large Animal
Picture of Jim Schumacher, DVM, MS, DACVS image

Education and Training
  • Doctorate, Veterinary Medicine, Kansas St Univ Manhattan, 1973

James Schumacher, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate American College of Veterinary Surgeons. Dr. Schumacher holds a B.S.(Kansas State University), DVM (Kansas State University), MS (Texas A&M University) and PhD (Texas A&M University). Dr. Schumacher is also a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons (MRCVS). He has special interests in respiratory surgery, reproductive surgery, lameness, and minimally invasive surgery of horses. His clinical focus is soft-tissue surgery and his research interests include lameness, wound therapy, and stem cell therapy. Dr. Schumacher�s teaching focus include orthopaedics, respiratory disease, and dentistry. Dr. Schumacher provides CE seminars on interest topics including reproductive surgery, regional and joint analgesia, reproductive surgery (male and female), respiratory surgery, and surgery of the head (sinuses, dentistry, guttural pouch).

Research Focus

Skin grafting, reproductive surgery, and respiratory surgery

Outreach Focus

American Veterinary Medical Association;American Association of Equine Practitioners;American Association of Veterinary Clinicians;American College of Veterinary Surgeons;British Equine Veterinary Association;Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons;...