S-AHS Bylaws


ADOPTED August 9, 2004
AMENDED February, 2012
AMENDED February, 2016


The formal name of this organization shall be the Administrative Heads Section of the Southern Region; however, the working name shall be Southern Region Administrative Heads Section (hereinafter referred to as SRAHS). The SRAHS is a component of the APLU Board on Agriculture Assembly’s Administrative Heads Section Association of Public and Land-Grant Universities (herein after referred to as AHS/APLU) and includes the Administrative Heads from both 1862 and 1890 Universities in the Southern Region. This organization is established as a Regional unit of the AHS/APLU and the Board on Agriculture Assembly (herein after referred to as BAA).

ARTICLE II – Purpose

The purpose of SRAHS shall be to foster communication, studies and action designed to encourage improvement of all programs and operations under the administrative jurisdiction of the AHS of the involved institutions. The SRAHS will also represent the administrators in the Southern Region in their collective dealings with the AHS, BAA, APLU and with other Southern Region units of the APLU, as well as with other Southern Regional agencies of the Federal Government, and with the public of those states that comprise the Southern Region of APLU. On official matters that will require ratification by, be reported to, or recommended to AHS, the consensus of the SRAHS will be conveyed to the Chairman of AHS through the Chairman of the SRAHS. All business conducted by SRAHS shall be in accordance with the objectives and procedures stated by these Bylaws, and each AHS member in the Southern Region of the Association shall be entitled to one vote on any matters brought to a vote by the Chairman of SRAHS.

ARTICLE III – Organization and Function

The formal organization of the SRAHS herein provides for a regional organization of Administrative Heads to parallel regional organizations of the State Agricultural Experiment Stations, State Cooperative Extension Services, and Resident Instruction units. The function of SRAHS is to represent the collective views of the Southern Region Administrative Heads of Agriculture to AHS/APLU.

Regular meetings of SRAHS shall include the annual meeting of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS), usually in February. Another meeting will be held in the summer in conjunction with the Southern Region Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching (CARET). The date for the summer meeting will be set at the February meeting. Special meetings may also be convened by the Chairman with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. Any necessary interim business shall be handled by the Executive Committee. Any such interim actions shall be placed before the next regular meeting of the SRAHS for concurrence and approval. A written notice and agenda of all meetings shall be sent to the membership by the Chair. Administrative Heads may be represented by proxy only by written approval of the Chair. Such designated proxy representation shall not be allowed to vote on any matters that come before the group.

ARTICLE V – Membership

The Administrative Heads of Agriculture and related programs in the Southern Region 1862 and 1890 Land-grant institutions (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Virgin Islands, and Virginia) shall comprise the voting membership of the SRAHS.

ARTICLE VI – Officers

A. Officers: Officers of the SRAHS shall be: Chairman, Chair-elect (Vice Chairman), Parliamentarian/Historian and Secretary, with each serving terms of one year. The Chairman, the Chair-elect, and Secretary shall be eligible for future election as an officer of the SRAHS following a two-year interval from the date of their having last served as an officer. Leadership succession for officers of SRAHS shall be from Secretary to Chair-elect to Chairman. The Chairman and Chair-elect shall represent the SRAHS on the Executive Committee of AHS. The Southern Region AHS members will be named by SRAHS.

The Chairman, Chair-elect, Secretary, and Parliamentarian/Historian shall serve as the Executive Committee of the SRAHS and shall conduct affairs of the SRAHS during the interim between meetings of the SRAHS.

B. Elections: Elections shall be held each year at the winter AHS/CARET meeting of the SRAHS. Nominations shall be made by a three-member nominating committee appointed by the Chairman. Nominations of other candidates from the SRAHS membership may be made from the floor at the time of the election. Successful candidates will take office immediately at the conclusion of the winter meeting. The Parliamentarian/Historian shall be elected for an indefinite period. The Chair and Chair-elect after the winter meeting will immediately become the representatives from SRAHS on the AHS Executive Committee.

C. Duties
Chair: The Chairman of SRAHS shall preside at all regular meetings and at such special meetings as may be called by the Chairman with advice and consent from the other members of the Executive Committee plus not less than four additional members of the SRAHS. As Chief Executive Officer of the SRAHS, the Chairman shall assign duties and direct activities of all standing and ad hoc committees and shall represent the position of the SRAHS (on duly acted upon measures) to AHS as well as to any and all other appropriate agencies, organizations, institution or individuals.

ARTICLE IV – Meetings

An additional responsibility of the Chairman and Chair-elect is that they may also serve as elected officers of SAAS pending approval by the SAAS Board of Directors and SAAS membership.

A. Chair-Elect: The Chair-elect shall serve in the absence of the Chairman. The Chair-elect shall plan the programs and develop a written agenda for each of the regular meetings as well as such special meetings as may be called by the Chairman under provisions previously indicated in these Bylaws. The Chair-elect shall undertake such other duties as the Chairman shall direct. He shall become Chairman for the remainder of the Chairman’s term should the Chairman resign or otherwise be unable to serve. Should the Chair-elect be unable to serve out this term, the Chairman shall designate an Acting Chair-elect who shall serve until the next regular election.

B. Secretary: It shall be the duty of the Secretary to prepare and distribute the minutes of each SRAHS meeting. The Secretary shall be responsible for the permanent records of the SRAHS and shall be responsible for assembling, distribution, and filing permanent records of all committee reports. Should the Secretary be unable to serve, the Chairman shall designate an Acting Secretary who will serve until the next regular election.

C. Parliamentarian/Historian: The person filling this position will be responsible to the Chair for ensuring adherence to Bylaws and all agreed-upon protocols. He or she will be the keeper of all information, meeting sites, and artifacts that ensure the success of the SRAHS.

D. Executive Committee. The Chairman of the SRAHS, the Chair-elect, the Secretary, and the Parliamentarian/Historian shall serve as the Executive Committee of the SRAHS.

E. General Responsibilities. All officers shall be responsible for maintaining and passing on to their successors complete sets of official documents of a continuing and directive nature.

ARTICLE VII – Committees

Committees of SRAHS may be established either as standing or ad hoc. Committee Chairmen shall provide written reports to the Chairman of the SRAHS prior to the summer meeting. Such reports will be considered by the Executive Committee of the SRAHS and a decision made as to whether they should be forwarded to the Chairman of AHS, and/or to the Chairman of the other Regional Councils of Administrative Heads.

ARTICLE VIII – Quorum and Voting

For purpose of doing business of the SRAHS, a quorum shall consist of a majority of the membership present at any given meeting.

ARTICLE IX – Parliamentary Authority

The emphasis in all meetings shall be an orderly process to achieve an objective decision by those present and voting. Should there be a parliamentary challenge, it shall be answered by reference to Roberts Rules of Order, Revised. A simple majority vote will be required to resolve any and all disagreements.

ARTICLE X – Attendance at Meetings

It is expected that only Administrative Heads will attend meetings of the SRAHS.

ARTICLE XI – Amendment to Bylaws

These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the official membership of the SRAHS and will be by written ballot.

ARTICLE XII – List of meeting sites by year to establish rotation of summer meeting.

Joint meetings with other AHS regions or meetings in locations outside of the yearly rotation may be held upon an agreement by majority vote. In such a case, the normal rotation will be resumed in the following year.

2016-North Carolina
2018-South Carolina
2029-North Carolina
2031-South Carolina