Internal & external communication strategies; ex risk management, being prepared for negative incidents, communication during and after in incident, controversy management, free speech issues, etc.
Dealing with animal issues that are controversial in the public’s mind, ex. gene manipulation, livestock welfare, animals as test & teaching subjects, AALAC accreditation, product trace-ability, etc.
Allocation and re-allocation of resources across the college, ex. funds, faculty & staff positions, classroom/lab/field facilities, all across departments, units, institutes, centers, field stations, business units, service units, etc.
Communicating the impacts of your programs to decision-makers, stakeholders, and the public.
Sharing resources between institutions, ex. faculty & staff positions, classes/curricula, labs, instrumentation, field & animal facilities, etc.
Enhancing public/private partnerships to support programs, ex. with industry, NGO’s, private & public organizations, state & county government agencies, identifying mutual benefits, sustaining long-term partnerships, etc.
Leadership development for students, faculty, staff, and administration, ex. national programs (LEAD 21 & FSLI), institutional programs for students, faculty, and staff, etc.
Workforce development at the certification, 2-year, 4-year, and graduate levels, ex. balance of focused & broad coursework, work experiences, research & extension experiences, international experiences, “soft” skills, etc.
Achieving your agenda with county, state, and federal legislative bodies, ex. education vs lobbying, forming relationships, creating champions, on-campus experiences, etc.
Animal-related issues, ex. product traceability, GMO’s, gene editing, local foods, animal rights & welfare, etc.
Institution to institution partnerships; ex 1890 & 1862 collaborations, non-LGU interactions, avoiding unnecessary program redundancy, etc.
Big data analytics; ex technology infrastructure, faculty expertise, R/T/E involvement, curricular needs, industry/private partnerships, etc.
Task Force on Rural Prosperity Report (Oct, ’17), Southern region response; ex aspects of recommendations in the five key areas unique to South, programs in place to address recommendations, new programs needed, integrated regional action plan?, etc.