Mitchell Dale Richmond
Specialization: Tobacco, Hemp, Hops & Specialty Crop Production and Agronomy
Dr. Richmond is an Assistant Professor and Tobacco, Hemp & Specialty Crop Extension Specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences with a 75% UTExtension and 25% UT AgResearch appointment. In this role, he maintains an active applied agronomic research and extension program geared towards targeting the needs of Tennessee’s producers, industry, and consumers. His program focuses on burley, dark air-cured, dark fire-cured, and cigar wrapper types of tobacco and industrial hemp for grain, fiber, and cannabinoid production.
Dr. Richmond is an active member of Tobacco Workers’ Conference (TWC) and serves on the Organizing Committee and is the Co-Chair of the Agronomy Section. He is also involved with the Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco (CORESTA), based in Paris, France. Currently, he participates with the Agrochemical Residue Field Trial Task Force and the Sub-Group Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine (TSNA) in Air-Cured and Fire-Cured Tobacco.
Research interests include all agronomic aspects from seed to market for burley, dark air-cured, dark fire-cured, and cigar wrapper tobacco types as well as industrial hemp for grain, fiber, and cannabinoid production.
Supporting county and state level Extension educational materials through applied research and collaborations in specialty crop production.
Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine (TSNA) and alkaloids in air-cured and fire-cured tobacco types
Reducing labor requirements for producing tobacco, hemp, and other specialty crops
Screening new crop protection agents (CPAs) for use on tobacco and hemp.
Variety evaluations for industrial hemp produced for fiber, grain, and cannabinoid production
Production considerations for hops in Tennessee
2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
- Doctorate, Crop Production, University Of Kentucky, 2018
- MS, Agronomy and Crop Science, University Of Kentucky, 2014
- BS, Agricultural Teacher Education, Morehead State University, 2012
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
Mitchell Dale Richmond
2431 Joe Johnson Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
- Doctorate, Crop Production, University Of Kentucky, 2018
- MS, Agronomy and Crop Science, University Of Kentucky, 2014
- BS, Agricultural Teacher Education, Morehead State University, 2012
- Agriculture and Natural Resources
Dr. Richmond is an Assistant Professor and Tobacco, Hemp & Specialty Crop Extension Specialist in the Department of Plant Sciences with a 75% UTExtension and 25% UT AgResearch appointment. In this role, he maintains an active applied agronomic research and extension program geared towards targeting the needs of Tennessee’s producers, industry, and consumers. His program focuses on burley, dark air-cured, dark fire-cured, and cigar wrapper types of tobacco and industrial hemp for grain, fiber, and cannabinoid production.
Dr. Richmond is an active member of Tobacco Workers’ Conference (TWC) and serves on the Organizing Committee and is the Co-Chair of the Agronomy Section. He is also involved with the Cooperation Centre for Scientific Research Relative to Tobacco (CORESTA), based in Paris, France. Currently, he participates with the Agrochemical Residue Field Trial Task Force and the Sub-Group Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine (TSNA) in Air-Cured and Fire-Cured Tobacco.
Research interests include all agronomic aspects from seed to market for burley, dark air-cured, dark fire-cured, and cigar wrapper tobacco types as well as industrial hemp for grain, fiber, and cannabinoid production.
Supporting county and state level Extension educational materials through applied research and collaborations in specialty crop production.
Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamine (TSNA) and alkaloids in air-cured and fire-cured tobacco types
Reducing labor requirements for producing tobacco, hemp, and other specialty crops
Screening new crop protection agents (CPAs) for use on tobacco and hemp.
Variety evaluations for industrial hemp produced for fiber, grain, and cannabinoid production
Production considerations for hops in Tennessee