
Madhu S Dhar, MS, PhD

Research Professor | Large Animal

Madhu Dhar, MS, PhD. Dr. Dhar holds a B.S. (University of Pune, India), a MS (University of Pune, India), and PhD (Chemistry Major), Biochemistry (Minor) from University of Pune). Dr. Dhar mentors graduate students working toward earning MS and PhD degrees at the University of Tennessee at Knoxzville. Dr. Dhar is the Director of the Tissue Regeneration Laboratory in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences and has a clinical focus in use of cell-based therapies for treatment of disease. Her research focus is in regenerative medicine, animal models of diseases, diabetes and obesity. Her teaching focus includes cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases. Dr. Dhar provides CE seminars on topics of interest including cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases.

Research Focus

Animal models of human disease with special relevance to obesity and diabetes; Novel targets of Role of glucose transporters and amino phospholipid translocases in insulin resistance; ...

Clinical Focus

Link basic molecular and cellular research to clinical cases; Identify molecular and cellular targets for complex diseases for translational research; Regenerative medicine - adipose tissue as a source of adult stem cells

Teaching Focus

Undergraduate and Graduate student research training; Graduate and postgraduate course: General, organic and biochemistry; Graduate course: Introduction to Genome SCI/TECI - Polygenic Mouse Models of Obesity; Graduate and postgraduate courses

Outreach Focus

International Mammalian Genome Society; North American Association for the Study of Obesity; Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium

Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
CEM 411 - Undergraduate Research Participation
1 - 3 credit hours

Experience in active biomedical research projects under supervision of faculty. Students in pre-medicine, biology, and related majors may conduct research projects within designated areas.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated with consent. Maximum 9 hours.
Comment(s): Contact coordinator prior to registering for class.

Other Instructors: Gerhold Jr, Richard William | Springer, Nora Lynn

CEM 515 - Current Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 6 credit hours

Specialized experience in comparative and experimental medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Sultana, Hameeda | Collar, Elizabeth Marie | Makau, Dennis | Lord, Jennifer Elizabeth | Lear, Andrea Sketch

CEM 541 - Cellular and Molecular Basis of Disease
3 credit hour(s)

Disease at the molecular level. Changes in molecular events in cells that lead to disease and occur as a result of disease. Correlation with clinical and pathological states. Systems covered: neurological, structural, respiratory, circulatory, metabolic, endocrine, reproductive, and immunological. Correlation with clinical pathological states.
(DE) Prerequisite(s): Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 419 or equivalent.

CEM 610 - Advanced Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 3 credit hours

Specialized, in-depth experience in various disciplines. Current and future research methodology, recent advances in instrumentation in analytical techniques for comparative medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Schaefer, Deanna M | Sheldon, Julie Deanne

CEM 613 - Journal Club in Large Animal Clinical Sciences
1 credit hour(s)

Readings and discussions based on current literature.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Sommardahl, Carla S | Prado, Tulio M. | Mulon, Pierre-Yves

CEM 616 - Comparative and Experimental Medicine Seminar
1 credit hour(s)

Research seminars pertinent to disciplines within the program.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours. Credit Restriction: Maximum 3 hours may be applied toward degree requirements.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Gerhold Jr, Richard William

CEM 620 - Current Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 3 credit hours

Specialized, in-depth experience in various disciplines, such as current and future research methodology, and recent advances in instrumentation in analytical techniques for comparative medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Whitlock, Brian Keith | Tobias, Karen M | Neelakanta, Girish | Sultana, Hameeda | Prado, Tulio M. | Caldwell, Marc

Picture of Madhu S Dhar, MS, PhD
D118 Veterinary Medical Ctr
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Education and Training
  • Doctorate, Chemistry, General, Other, 1990

Madhu S Dhar, MS, PhD

Research Professor | Large Animal
Picture of Madhu S Dhar, MS, PhD image
D118 Veterinary Medical Ctr
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
Education and Training
  • Doctorate, Chemistry, General, Other, 1990

Madhu Dhar, MS, PhD. Dr. Dhar holds a B.S. (University of Pune, India), a MS (University of Pune, India), and PhD (Chemistry Major), Biochemistry (Minor) from University of Pune). Dr. Dhar mentors graduate students working toward earning MS and PhD degrees at the University of Tennessee at Knoxzville. Dr. Dhar is the Director of the Tissue Regeneration Laboratory in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences and has a clinical focus in use of cell-based therapies for treatment of disease. Her research focus is in regenerative medicine, animal models of diseases, diabetes and obesity. Her teaching focus includes cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases. Dr. Dhar provides CE seminars on topics of interest including cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases.

Research Focus

Animal models of human disease with special relevance to obesity and diabetes; Novel targets of Role of glucose transporters and amino phospholipid translocases in insulin resistance; ...

Clinical Focus

Link basic molecular and cellular research to clinical cases; Identify molecular and cellular targets for complex diseases for translational research; Regenerative medicine - adipose tissue as a source of adult stem cells

Teaching Focus

Undergraduate and Graduate student research training; Graduate and postgraduate course: General, organic and biochemistry; Graduate course: Introduction to Genome SCI/TECI - Polygenic Mouse Models of Obesity; Graduate and postgraduate courses

Outreach Focus

International Mammalian Genome Society; North American Association for the Study of Obesity; Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium

Below are courses taught during the current or past three academic years. Consult Timetable for the most current listing of courses and instructor(s).
CEM 411 - Undergraduate Research Participation
1 - 3 credit hours

Experience in active biomedical research projects under supervision of faculty. Students in pre-medicine, biology, and related majors may conduct research projects within designated areas.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated with consent. Maximum 9 hours.
Comment(s): Contact coordinator prior to registering for class.

Other Instructors: Gerhold Jr, Richard William | Springer, Nora Lynn

CEM 515 - Current Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 6 credit hours

Specialized experience in comparative and experimental medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Permission: Consent of instructor.

Other Instructors: Sultana, Hameeda | Collar, Elizabeth Marie | Makau, Dennis | Lord, Jennifer Elizabeth | Lear, Andrea Sketch

CEM 541 - Cellular and Molecular Basis of Disease
3 credit hour(s)

Disease at the molecular level. Changes in molecular events in cells that lead to disease and occur as a result of disease. Correlation with clinical and pathological states. Systems covered: neurological, structural, respiratory, circulatory, metabolic, endocrine, reproductive, and immunological. Correlation with clinical pathological states.
(DE) Prerequisite(s): Biochemistry and Cellular and Molecular Biology 419 or equivalent.

CEM 610 - Advanced Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 3 credit hours

Specialized, in-depth experience in various disciplines. Current and future research methodology, recent advances in instrumentation in analytical techniques for comparative medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Schaefer, Deanna M | Sheldon, Julie Deanne

CEM 613 - Journal Club in Large Animal Clinical Sciences
1 credit hour(s)

Readings and discussions based on current literature.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Sommardahl, Carla S | Prado, Tulio M. | Mulon, Pierre-Yves

CEM 616 - Comparative and Experimental Medicine Seminar
1 credit hour(s)

Research seminars pertinent to disciplines within the program.

Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours. Credit Restriction: Maximum 3 hours may be applied toward degree requirements.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Gerhold Jr, Richard William

CEM 620 - Current Topics in Comparative and Experimental Medicine
1 - 3 credit hours

Specialized, in-depth experience in various disciplines, such as current and future research methodology, and recent advances in instrumentation in analytical techniques for comparative medicine.

Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 12 hours.
Registration Restriction(s): Minimum student level – graduate.

Other Instructors: Whitlock, Brian Keith | Tobias, Karen M | Neelakanta, Girish | Sultana, Hameeda | Prado, Tulio M. | Caldwell, Marc