Madhu S Dhar, MS, PhD
Madhu Dhar, MS, PhD. Dr. Dhar holds a B.S. (University of Pune, India), a MS (University of Pune, India), and PhD (Chemistry Major), Biochemistry (Minor) from University of Pune). Dr. Dhar mentors graduate students working toward earning MS and PhD degrees at the University of Tennessee at Knoxzville. Dr. Dhar is the Director of the Tissue Regeneration Laboratory in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences and has a clinical focus in use of cell-based therapies for treatment of disease. Her research focus is in regenerative medicine, animal models of diseases, diabetes and obesity. Her teaching focus includes cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases. Dr. Dhar provides CE seminars on topics of interest including cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases.
Animal models of human disease with special relevance to obesity and diabetes; Novel targets of Role of glucose transporters and amino phospholipid translocases in insulin resistance; ...
Link basic molecular and cellular research to clinical cases; Identify molecular and cellular targets for complex diseases for translational research; Regenerative medicine - adipose tissue as a source of adult stem cells
Undergraduate and Graduate student research training; Graduate and postgraduate course: General, organic and biochemistry; Graduate course: Introduction to Genome SCI/TECI - Polygenic Mouse Models of Obesity; Graduate and postgraduate courses
International Mammalian Genome Society; North American Association for the Study of Obesity; Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
- Doctorate, Chemistry, General, Other, 1990
Madhu S Dhar, MS, PhD
2407 River Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
- Doctorate, Chemistry, General, Other, 1990
Madhu Dhar, MS, PhD. Dr. Dhar holds a B.S. (University of Pune, India), a MS (University of Pune, India), and PhD (Chemistry Major), Biochemistry (Minor) from University of Pune). Dr. Dhar mentors graduate students working toward earning MS and PhD degrees at the University of Tennessee at Knoxzville. Dr. Dhar is the Director of the Tissue Regeneration Laboratory in the Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences and has a clinical focus in use of cell-based therapies for treatment of disease. Her research focus is in regenerative medicine, animal models of diseases, diabetes and obesity. Her teaching focus includes cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases. Dr. Dhar provides CE seminars on topics of interest including cell biology, genomics, regenerative medicine, and animal models of diseases.
Animal models of human disease with special relevance to obesity and diabetes; Novel targets of Role of glucose transporters and amino phospholipid translocases in insulin resistance; ...
Link basic molecular and cellular research to clinical cases; Identify molecular and cellular targets for complex diseases for translational research; Regenerative medicine - adipose tissue as a source of adult stem cells
Undergraduate and Graduate student research training; Graduate and postgraduate course: General, organic and biochemistry; Graduate course: Introduction to Genome SCI/TECI - Polygenic Mouse Models of Obesity; Graduate and postgraduate courses
International Mammalian Genome Society; North American Association for the Study of Obesity; Tennessee Mouse Genome Consortium