David M. Butler
Specialization: Organic horticulture, agroecology, soil-plant-fungal interactions
Research in Dr. Butler’s lab group is principally focused on applied soil-plant and soil-plant-fungal interactions. Working mainly in vegetable and small fruit production systems, the primary research questions in the lab focus on better understanding mechanisms of soilborne plant pathogen control and plant growth promotion in soils treated by non-chemical and biological/anaerobic soil disinfestation as an alternative to chemical soil fumigants. Additional work in the lab includes aspects of endophytic/associative fungi use and function, biogeochemical cycling of C, N and P, and impact of cover crops and alley cropping systems on soil-plant and soil-plant-fungal interactions in organic horticultural cropping systems. Dr. Butler’s lab works at laboratory, growth chamber/greenhouse, high tunnel and field scales.
The primary research in the Butler lab currently centers on understanding chemical and biological mechanisms of soilborne plant pathogen control and plant growth promotion in soils treated by biological/anaerobic soil disinfestation.
My teaching program includes Organic Crop Production (PS 275), Agroecology (PS 415/515) and Undergraduate Research Participation (PS 499).
2505 E J Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
- PhD, Soil Science and Agronomy, General, University of Georgia, 2008
- MS, Agronomy and Crop Science, North Carolina St Univ Raleigh, 2004
- BS, Biology/Biological Sciences, General, Frostburg State University, 2002
David M. Butler
2505 E J Chapman Drive
Knoxville, TN 37996
- PhD, Soil Science and Agronomy, General, University of Georgia, 2008
- MS, Agronomy and Crop Science, North Carolina St Univ Raleigh, 2004
- BS, Biology/Biological Sciences, General, Frostburg State University, 2002
Research in Dr. Butler’s lab group is principally focused on applied soil-plant and soil-plant-fungal interactions. Working mainly in vegetable and small fruit production systems, the primary research questions in the lab focus on better understanding mechanisms of soilborne plant pathogen control and plant growth promotion in soils treated by non-chemical and biological/anaerobic soil disinfestation as an alternative to chemical soil fumigants. Additional work in the lab includes aspects of endophytic/associative fungi use and function, biogeochemical cycling of C, N and P, and impact of cover crops and alley cropping systems on soil-plant and soil-plant-fungal interactions in organic horticultural cropping systems. Dr. Butler’s lab works at laboratory, growth chamber/greenhouse, high tunnel and field scales.
The primary research in the Butler lab currently centers on understanding chemical and biological mechanisms of soilborne plant pathogen control and plant growth promotion in soils treated by biological/anaerobic soil disinfestation.
My teaching program includes Organic Crop Production (PS 275), Agroecology (PS 415/515) and Undergraduate Research Participation (PS 499).