James Newburn

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Managing Director Nurtures the Growth of Plants and Future Horticulture Professionals at UT Gardens, Knoxville

Where are you from, and how did your career lead you to UTIA? 

I was born in Poteau, Oklahoma, into an Indian Territory pioneer family, raised in the Ozark mountains of Missouri. I graduated high school in suburban Kansas City, and moved to Tennessee in 1983. In all those places we had gardens and flower beds, which I enjoyed working in. When I found out UT had a major in Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design, I knew it was for me. I was going to make my avocation my vocation.

What is your role within UTIA, and what do you do on a typical day? 

I am the Managing Director of UT Gardens, Knoxville. Typically, I am behind a desk more than a horticulturist would prefer. This work involves budgets, fundraising, human resources, and communications. The fun part is designing new features and planning for the future.

Why did you choose the field of plant sciences?

I always enjoyed flowers and gardening. I was a sucker for buying plants too early in the spring. When I decided I needed to go back to school as I was approaching age 30, I wanted to major in something I enjoyed doing.

James Newburn in a garden

What is the most fulfilling aspect of the work you do? 

Two things are fulfilling, and both involve growth. I love seeing students who major in plants sciences, intern in the Gardens, graduate, then go on to have successful careers in the green industry. To see that growth and achievement of students I knew had great potential is very rewarding. The other is simply growth of the plants in the Gardens. Seeing design aspects mature into awesome displays is so rewarding. There are trees and shrubs I planted 25 years ago that are beautiful mature specimens now.

What has been your proudest moment while working at UTIA? 

I think my proudest moments are when visitors stop me in the Gardens or someone finds out I work at the Gardens, and they say how it is their favorite place, that it is beautiful, or that they had their prom photos made here. That makes me proud to think about how our wonderful UT Gardens staff over the years brought this moment of joy to this person’s life.

What is your favorite area of UT Gardens, Knoxville, and why?

That’s like naming your favorite child! I guess though my favorite part are the beds surrounding the old truck. That truck has become an iconic symbol of the UT Gardens. It has been photographed and posted so much that a search of images of UT Gardens on the web results in photos of that blue truck. I love it.

Old blue truck in the UT Gardens, Knoxville

What is one of your favorite experiences you have had while working at UT Gardens, Knoxville?

Acting as the officiant at the Gardens weddings of co-workers. I have officiated at the wedding ceremonies of five co-workers. Two of them were held in the Gardens. Those were special as they were performed in a place we helped beautify.

What is a project you are currently working on that you are excited about?

We have been awarded a grant for the installation of a “Solar Flower” that unfolds and spreads its petals while tracking the sun and collecting its energy. It will then store and deliver the energy needed to power our electric utility vehicles and battery powered equipment. One of our goals is to think in terms of sustainability when it comes to Gardens operations.

What do you like to do outside of work and/or what is a fun fact about yourself that your colleagues may not know? 

I sing in a Cathedral choir that performs classical and contemporary sacred and liturgical music. Every three years we go to England and perform nightly Evensong services at Cathedrals whose choirs are on holiday. Singing services in a thousand year old building where people have been doing the same thing for centuries is truly amazing.

James Newburn and Keith Carver at a podium at the annual Gardens Gala
James Newburn holding a plant with pink hydrangeas at the annual Gardens Gala
James D Newburn Profile Page
James D Newburn
Managing Director – UT Gardens Knoxville, Plant Sciences