Senior veterinary technician provides nursing care to large animals and educates the next generation of veterinarians
Where are you from, and how did your career lead you to UTIA?
I grew up in Virginia and South Carolina. I attended Virginia Tech for my Bachelor of Science and Colorado Mountain College for my Associate of Applied Science degree. I knew I wanted to head back east to be close to family again, ideally in eastern Tennessee or western North Carolina. I was very interested in working in academia, so the UT College of Veterinary Medicine was the logical choice of positions to pursue. I have been very lucky to be with UT for 16 years now.
What is your role within the UT College of Veterinary Medicine and what do on a typical day?
I am a Licensed Veterinary Medical Technician. I provide nursing care to large animal patients (production and companion livestock), help teach fourth year clinical veterinary students, communicate with and educate clients, and also supervise an amazing group of large animal veterinary technicians. I have recently shifted into a more administrative/supervisory role and enjoy seeing our technicians provide nursing care and grow in their careers. In 2011, I earned my Master of Science in Social Work. This degree has provided additional tools that are incredibly valuable when taking care of our clients, students, employees and colleagues. I like to call myself a “secret social worker” because many people do not know I have that background.

Why did you choose the field of veterinary medicine?
Most people choose to work in veterinary medicine because they love animals. I am no exception. Once I started pursuing this as a career, I really enjoyed the science behind the work, and how I never stopped learning new things.
What is your favorite or most fulfilling aspect of the work you do?
I love being wrong. Well, in certain situations. I really like being humbled by the patients I did not expect to see walk out the door after battling their diagnosis. We see a lot of tough cases and I love seeing my patients thrive. And because I can’t just pick one favorite, I also love seeing our students succeed. When they successfully place an IV catheter for the first time or come up with a spot-on diagnosis, I am so proud of them!
What has been your proudest moment while working at UTIA?
I think my proudest moment each year is at the hooding ceremony. Watching an entire class of veterinarians take their oath and receive their degrees after a grueling four years is humbling. I love sitting in an aisle seat so I can see their faces and give high fives on their way out of the auditorium.
What is one of your favorite experiences you have had while working at UTCVM?
I have been fortunate to experience so many great things while working here. I have to say that being part of a team with a common goal is one of my favorite aspects. It is amazing to watch a group of professionals deal with a medical emergency, each person taking care of a task. The outcome would be different if we all had to work independently.

What do you like to do outside of work and/or what is a fun fact about yourself that your colleagues may not know?
I love being creative. I have a small area in my home designated for creating stained glass art. The most difficult and rewarding piece I have made so far was a llama that consisted of about 200 pieces that I made for a dear friend.