Goal 1: Drive Discovery
Goal | 2018 Baseline | 2019 | 2020 | 10 Year Goal |
Collaborative Initiatives Started from Partnerships, Based on Priorities (SEEDS) | 0 | 2 | 1 | 5 |
Refereed Research Publications | 401 | 567 | 566 | 601 (+50%) |
Other Publications | 1,149` | 1,339 | 1016 | 1,723 (50%) |
Presentations | 408 | 504 | 254 | 612 (50%) |
Professional Recognitions | 1 | 6 | 4 | 40 |
Goal 2: Expand Real Life Learning
Goal | 2018 Baseline | 2019 | 2020 | 10 Year Goal |
4-H Students with Workforce Experience | 180,588 | 173,563 | 155,548 | +25% |
Total Undergraduate Degrees | 322 | 339 | 313 | +15% |
Total Graduate Degrees | 163 | 194 | 167 | +10% |
Certificates Awarded | 11,271 | 11,271 | 17,213 | +50% |
Goal 3: Rapidly Deploy Solutions
Goal | 2018 Baseline | 2019 | 2020 | 10 Year Goal |
Total Digital Contacts | 11,234,037 | 14,162,740 | 19,267,010 | +50% |
Start-Ups Businesses Supported | NEW | 7 | 11 | 20 |
Goal 4: Deliver Programs that Improve Lives
Goal | 2018 Baseline | 2019 | 2020 | 10 Year Goal |
Participants in Outreach Activities | 4,648,754 | 4,678,754 | 3,480,633 | +50% |
Estimated Economic Impact | $620,000,000 | $687,515,766 | 548,000,000 | +25% |
Goal 5: Grow and Diversify Resources
Goal | 2018 Baseline | 2019 | 2020 | 10 Year Goal |
Gifts, Pledges, Bequests | $15,300,000 | $30,800,000 | $15,564,945 | $20,000,000 |
Alumni Participation Rate | 10.9% | 11.5% | 10.5% | 18% |
Total Restricted Expenditures | $47,200,000 | $48,700,000 | $48.7M | $55,000,000 |
Sales and Services | $18,700,000 | $21,200,000 | $28.3M | $13,200,000 |
Goal 6: Improve Institute Effectiveness
Goal | 2018 Baseline | 2019 | 2020 | 10 Year Goal |
Salary Gap | NEW | 54.3% | -50% | |
Faculty & Staff Retention | NEW | 89.94% | 89.61% | +10% |
Cost Avoidance from Efficiencies | NEW | $637,000 | $839,925 | $10,000,000 |
Drive Discovery
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Expand content upDeploy Solutions
Expand content upDeliver Programs
Expand content upGrow and Diversify
Expand content upImprove Effectiveness
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