Goal 1: Drive Discovery


Cultivate innovation and invention to meet the grand challenges of tomorrow by collaborating within our organization and with outside partners and by building on existing strengths.

Strategies and Actions

Seed and Support Innovation

  • Develop collaborative, cutting-edge initiatives aligned with UTIA priorities.
  • Expand doctoral education to support research activities (see Goal 2).

Launch Collaborative Partnerships

  • Launch collaborative ventures with long-term funding from extramural and/or philanthropic sources.

Facilitate Participation and Integration across Units

  • Increase the number of faculty and staff participating in externally funded projects.
  • Increase the number of graduate and undergraduate students participating in research and outreach programs.

Lead on a Regional, National, and Global Scale

  • Increasingly serve as the lead institution on research grants.
  • Increase faculty, staff, and student awards and recognitions by professional associations.


  • Launch collaborative ventures through partnerships.
  • Increase scholarly output.
  • Increase recognition of faculty, staff, and students by professional associations.
  • Increase total extramural funding.

Collaborative Initiatives Started from Partnerships, Based on Priorities (SEEDS)

Multi-disciplinary initiatives that include faculty, staff and/or students from 2 or more departments for at least 3 years, with at least $1 million in cumulative funding.

  • State funding (UT budget documents)
  • Gift funds (UT Foundation Reports)
  • Extramural awards (Cayuse Reports)

2018 Baseline2019202010 Year Goal
Fiscal Year

Metric Data Contact: Chancellor

Refereed Research Publications

Faculty Annual Report

  • Refereed article or refereed review appearing in peer-reviewed professional journal for AgResearch, UT Extension, College of Veterinary Medicine, and Herbert College faculty
  • Data can be found here: https://taes.tennessee.edu/annualReport/stats.asp
  • Denoted as “Ref” in table
  • Baseline is three-year average as of 2017 {(’15 + ’16 + ‘17) / 3} and in subsequent years the metric also includes annual data from CVM
2018 Baseline2019202010 Year Goal
401567566601 (+50%)
Calendar Year

Metric Data Contact: AgResearch Dean

Other Publications

Faculty Annual Report

  • Book or book chapter, extension publication, abstract from scientific meeting, popular press publication, and other publications for AgResearch, UT Extension, College of Veterinary Medicine, and Herbert College faculty
  • Denoted as “Oth Pubs” in table
  • Baseline is three-year average as of 2017 {(’15 + ’16 + ‘17) / 3} and in subsequent years the metric also includes annual data from CVM
2018 Baseline2019202010 Year Goal
1,1491,3391,0161,723 (+50%)
Calendar Year

Metric Data Contact: AgResearch Dean


Faculty Annual Report

  • Presentations at professional meetings, without published abstracts
  • Data can be found here: https://taes.tennessee.ed/annualReport/UT_summary.asp?yr=2018
  • Listed under “Conference” (total at bottom of page plus add in any faculty presentation who have a “0” on their report.  Click on faculty report for each person and count their presentations then sum.
  • Baseline data only includes agriculture faculty, and in subsequent years the metric also includes annual data from CVM

2018 Baseline2019202010 Year Goal
408504254612 (+50%)
Calendar Year

Metric Data Contact: AgResearch Dean

Professional Recognitions

Individual award presented to a single faculty or staff member from a national or international society, association or related group. Verified by external sources (news release, web site, correspondence, etc.). Effective date is the date of presentation.

2018 Baseline2019202010 Year Goal
Fiscal Year

Metric Data Contact: Chancellor

Drive Discovery
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Expand Real Life Learning
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Deploy Solutions
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Deliver Programs
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Grow and Diversify
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Improve Effectiveness
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